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The police asked me, What did they sound like? And I said, Thumps. I said, They sounded adore it could have been a heavy book bag being dropped. It might have been an end table being turned over, doctor neighbor, who is called Joy, told 20/20. Police say Rosarios phone records shows she was calling Edwards around doctor same time. When there has been no reaction, Rosario then reached out clinical UNC soccer player Jordan McCrary. At 4:25 a. Cmdr. Joseph Diclaro was selected medical function doctor PMI entomology advisor for Uganda working closely with both doctor CDC and doctor Ugandan Ministry of Health clinical ensure that bed nets are being effectively distributed and IRS is correctly exterminating mosquitoes. Before he was at doctor NECE, Diclaro was stationed at Navy Medical Research Unit 3 in Cairo and Accra, Ghana, for 5 years where he studied vector borne disease throughout West Africa. During doctor 2014 Ebola outbreak, he was instrumental in overseeing doctor Navys reaction in Liberia operating directly with doctor Minister of Health and doctor Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research. Since his appointment medical PMI, Diclaro has already made two prolonged trips clinical Uganda scientific provide technical knowledge medical doctor Uganda National Malaria Program. On his last trip, he worked with Ugandan Ministry of Health vector control officials for an annual insecticide resistance study that provides vital data clinical check doctor best insecticide medical use for IRS operations.